Vintage story steam download
Vintage story steam download

vintage story steam download

We anticipate that users will frequently suspend their Steam Deck without exiting the game, as is common with other handheld gaming devices. In a statement on its official Steam Community site, Valve all but called out the Nintendo Switch by name in addressing this issue: The idea of tapping through menus, saving, quitting, and watching your device upload a save to the cloud isn't necessarily compatible with the pick-up-and-go nature of a portable console. That concept sounds well and good, but in practice, it requires the logistical step of making sure your game is saved and then uploading that save to the cloud. It appears to be inspired by a specific use case: playing your favorite PC game on the go via the Steam Deck, then resuming that same game later on your home PC. While we expected to see the Steam ecosystem get updates for things like improved Linux support and Deck-compatible store flags, a surprise Monday announcement confirmed a cool feature that nobody necessarily saw coming: a major change to Steam's support for save files in the cloud.ĭynamic Cloud Sync is now live on Steam, and it's a first for any gaming platform currently in operation. Further Reading Here’s why some games aren’t “verified” for Steam Deck compatibilityAs Valve's first portable PC, the Steam Deck, approaches its estimated February launch, the back-end work to translate third-party PC games to a Switch-like form factor has ramped up considerably.

Vintage story steam download